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Featured job: October 2017

Numerous therapy roles at the Nightingale Hospital in London.

14 September 2017

J.J. O’Connor, Nightingale Hospital’s Director, is plainly proud of its uniqueness. ‘It is located in Marylebone, central London where there has been a hospital since 1910. Since the late 1980s it has provided specialist mental health services and was acquired in 2014 by Groupe Sinoue, a leading provider of mental health services in France. We’ve grown busier and busier and now have 80 beds for inpatient treatment and growing outpatient services. Our acute unit was the first to have its therapy and counselling services formally accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.’ The hospital is the leading private mental health provider in central London. ‘This means that staff from diverse therapeutic professions work together in one department, offering many different treatment approaches for a huge range of conditions and the cross-pollination of ideas this engenders. So, these are ideal roles for people with experience and interest in an area, as well as those who want to learn. And we’re highly responsive. There’s a growing demand for very quick access to assessment and treatment, sometimes from businesses, and we can usually provide appointments within 48–72 hours.’

This large Therapy Services department comprises psychologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists and nurses working in interdisciplinary teams providing treatment packages and therapies to both groups and individuals.

‘As I say we are seeking newly qualified and experienced candidates alike. I never turn down a good CV – I’ve found that as soon as you do that a vacancy arises! We’re particularly keen to fill our Lead CBT Therapist role to coordinate and develop the specialist CBT programme. Our current staff focus is to develop clear career pathways and to help support, train and develop our employees at every stage of their career. We fund self-development and provide supervision. We’ve recently introduced an Assistant Psychologist role, in addition to our well-established therapy Internship. Successful candidates would also be encouraged to participate in the hugely successful seminar programme delivered to General Practitioners, Occupational Health Physicians and corporate stakeholders.’

To sum up, what sort of people are you looking for? ‘Adaptable and flexible people who welcome being busy and who are happy, in particular to work with acute patients. It’s a growing team and I’m keen to see applications from a wide range of clinical and counselling psychologists.’

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