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How can Psychology flourish?

We asked on Twitter via @psychmag …

10 June 2021

Here's a selection of your responses…

@KBHealthPsych By doing more with the communities we aim to serve, rather than to them.

@medusasneoneyes By being mindful of the privilege it holds as a discipline – more needs to be done to promote inclusivity for those who could potentially be at a disadvantage to even so much as believe they can join the BPS, let alone gain chartered status.

@duffmonk Promoting collaboration rather than competition in applied settings.

@reclaiming_s Putting people over politics.

@UoNPsyched When more person centred approaches are adopted and we stop ‘doing’ psychology/research ‘about’ and ‘on’ individuals but rather ‘with’ and ‘by’ them.

@Silverio_S_ I think British Psychology will always struggle to flourish when it and its ‘Psychologists’ lack any cohesive identity. We need to move to protect the title ‘Psychologist’ and give ‘Psychologists’ a sense of identity with each other, with the subject, and with the BPS.

@DrMarySD Psychology can flourish if those with research to share do so in a way that is accessible to the people who would most benefit. Practicing psychologist and research psychologists collaborating, keeping the purpose in mind (not numbers of papers written but evidence of impact).

@Findlotte Promoting psychology to A-level students and letting them have a voice and engage with research. They are the future of research, inspire them.

@Mindfulmons The BPS should waiver membership and doctoral application fees for all who are not white if they are serious about irradicating racism within clinical psychology!

@HorticulturalH By being brave, taking risks and pushing towards a more diverse discipline. Including and promoting voices that may not otherwise be heard. Giving a voice to those who may not feel that they have one.

@luciebd By more focus on, and collaboration with, people around the world. We won’t truly have a science of people until we stop systematically excluding psychological science in languages other than English and in countries in the Global Majority.

@LindaKKaye Better integration of insights from the arts. I’ve been reading a lot recently about kinaesthetic empathy and similar from performing arts & how it is used to explore the human experience in relation to others based on physicality.

@GlobalisedMinds By breaking down silos between different areas of psychological practice & between countries, working together collaboratively, & being willing to challenge & recreate the central tenets of our current received wisdom. ‘We are not what we were and not yet what we are becoming.’

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