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Our 'from poverty to flourishing' issue

Jon Sutton introduces the July/August edition, with links to the themed content.

24 June 2021

The British Psychological Society’s ‘From Poverty to Flourishing’ campaign, voted for by the Senate in 2019, has aimed to put psychological evidence at the heart of action to tackle poverty and improve outcomes for children, families and communities. In this bumper edition we have pulled together articles and interviews featuring members of the expert reference group and more. Particularly in the more creative contributions, we have interpreted the ‘…to flourishing’ aspect more broadly. Next issue, the focus turns to class.

One place we try to flourish is online… you can find lots more content at

Dr Jon Sutton
Managing Editor @psychmag

Illustration: Eliza Southwood 

The 'from poverty to flourishing' theme draws to a close, and next proposals due

Our Research Digest on money

The landscape of poverty 
Rhiannon Cobner, Jen Daffin and Sarah Brown with a psychosocial ecological approach to flourishing

‘You can improve the policy by attending to people’s dignity’ 
David Robson meets psychologists considering the importance of how poverty is framed

Fair’s fair? 
What should psychologists understand about austerity, and ways to broaden their role to combat its effects?

‘I’m one of them’ 
Our editor meets Greta Defeyter to talk food poverty

Forging brighter futures with young care leavers 
Duncan Gillard, Louise Hayes, Aoife McNally and Kate Willis on giving people skills to reboot their lives

Taking context seriously 
Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington

The stranger 
A chapter from Darren McGarvey’s book Poverty Safari

‘Out of poverty I felt like an alien’
Karina Webb reflects on the complexity of flourishing

Four approaches for flourishing 
Experiences from the Psychologists for Social Change network

How can we flourish? 
Winning entries from our latest Voices In Psychology competition, from Guan Mao, Elizabeth Otterburn and Tara Lepore

‘The pandemic has highlighted the huge social divide that exists in the UK’ 
Vivian Hill talks attainment gaps, education and resilience

The hope and tragedy of poverty; how poverty shapes confidence; and more

From poverty to poetry 
Stuart Larner, Jo Kirk, Georgina Rooney and Jamie Wallace with their winning entries; plus Sanah Ahsan

SICK!; Nomadland; White Tiger; On Happiness; and more

How can Psychology flourish?